Wednesday, 7 February 2007

It's time...

February is upon us...

Thursday 22nd February
Nags Head, James Street, Covent Garden.

Usual recognition techniques...McCrumble...."Voulez vous jiggy jig" photos of Me and MfR available on t'other blog (that's MY other blog, not THAT other blog).

Games need to be rethought since too many people already know my real name!

Scottish meet coming soon, so I believe....more details to appear here.

Any snow forecast? Winds? Tornadoes? Floods? Leaves?
No. Good.


lyndyloo said...

Can't beleive this. have just been told that I'm expected at Paul Nixon's (England cricketer and good mate) inaurgural benefit charity ball that night!!! :(((((

T said...


I am in canada that week (latest temperature -10)so I would rather be sat in a warm pub in London.

Have a good evening and I will try and raise my glass to the OAMC from Canada.


Anonymous said...

How I wish we were able to join you in London! One day, fair bloggers, one day!

Anonymous said...

Oh, regarding the Scottish Meet, Moose - would you mind putting up a blog asking if anyone would be able to meet on the evening of Tuesday 3rd April in Glasgow?

If they ever let me in properly next door again, I'll try and post there too.

Cheers ma dear!

Dogwithnobrain said...

Scottish OAMC. Yeah, I think I'm okay for that. Let me know....

Anonymous said...


Sorry for my lack of attention to this most important matter.

I am really hoping to be able to come - I am having to do a bit of manoevring in order for it to happen. Will confirm as soon as I know.

I am still very keen to meet up - just wanted to let you know.

By the way, if most of them can't do this date - please don't feel worried to change the date (I'm sure you won't worry about doing that, but just want to say that I won't be offended : ))
