Friday, 19 January 2007

Weather forecast...

Freak weather conditions in the third week of January are becoming less unusual. All social activities involving travel on public transport should be undertaken on the strict understanding that gales, hurricanes, blizzards, floods, falling trees, scaffolding and roofs are all a PROBABILITY, not a POSSIBILITY.

Shhhh...don't tell anyone, but I don't think it's the wizards. I think it might be global warming.

I feel compelled to comment on the great OAMC debate on here...

We are all grown up people, capable of having our own opinions and running our own lives. We all knew what we were doing. Some chose to go, some not, some couldn't make it anyway.

The blog is great because it is open and honest and supportive in a very rare way. But it's not like that because it's virtual. Look at most virtual blogs or message boards and you find the very extreme opinions, often voiced in an uncontrolled and inflammatory way.

No, I think the blog is like it is because people do not always say what they are thinking. Especially when their thoughts are negative ones about other people's posts. Maybe it's just me being opinionated, but I sometimes think that some things people write are a complete pile of crap, pointless or self-aggrandizing. I also hope that people don't always agree with everything I say because it can at times also be a pile of crap, pointless or self-aggrandizing.

My point is though, that we don't say so, whether we think it or not. In some ways that is NOT open and honest. Let's not kid ourselves that we always say everything we think. Most of the time we all recognize it's better to follow the principle that "If you can't say something nice, say nothing." I'm all for that and long may it continue.

But something was different yesterday. I hope it's temporary and we all get back to normal soon. And we could all discuss and speculate about what the trigger was. Was it the OAMC itself? Was it Chris commenting on it? Was it him expressing his disapproval? But it's important not to blame the trigger. What is important is to recognize what's special so that you are trying to hold onto the right thing. And not waste energy holding on to the wrong thing.

I hesitate to say this last bit...but I think Chris should also to recognize that sometimes things are better left unsaid. But at the end of the day, it's HIS blog and he can choose to say what he likes.

And I really hope that my comment above is not itself one of those things that is better left unsaid. If it is, I humbly apologize in advance.

And by the way. I'm thinking Tuesday 20th February is the next date for the diary. I suggest we go for Covent Garden again, same time, same place. The weather forecast is quite good for that day (at the moment) - I can tell because of the fuzz on my antlers.
But please let me know by commenting on here if you would rather not do it.


Anonymous said...


I have tried to get through to Chris's blog today, but am getting zapped every time.

I completely understand and, to some extent, agree with what you are saying.

Chris's blog started off with people commenting on what he had to say, adding a little of what was happening in their lives. Since then, it has grown arms and legs but I have to say I think it's all good. Yes, every now and then I could come back on and comment about something I don't totally agree with, but everyone having their say is the essence of the blog. I don't think I have read a single comment that I thought was crap.

In particular, you are a very funny guy. You have a great relationship with Hazel Love, Gaby, BigUn and countless others. Don't let that go. Certainly don't let it go on Chris's blog. It adds so much.

Yesterday was such an anti-climax. As the day unfolded and one by one everyone had to call off, I really was getting quite distressed. It's just a blip. I think you MUST arrange the new date - onwards and upwards!

Please stay on Chris's blog and be yourself - it's just terrific to read what you have to say.

I mean it all, you know!

C xx

Anonymous said...

well, i think everything you have said today is a complete pile of crap, pointless and self-aggrandizing....actually i dont, but wasnt sure if i was supposed to agree or not. So confusing!

as it is, i do particularly agree about chris's final comment. He said something a few mths ago about the blog being too sickly, and whilst i was inclined to agree, i wasnt sure that it needed to be said because as i said yesterday, i think most things in life are cyclical and you have to ride the ups with the downs, in what ever situation, and to varying degrees. I dont think that it is anywhere near as sickly as it was and funnily enuf, the sickliness was often perpetuated by his own prophitising......may have just made that word up. hopefully you get my drift.

I dont shoot the messenger, at the end of the day, he is entitled to his views and lets face it, he wouldnt be where he is, doing what he does if he censored himself. But, as you say moose, sometimes saying nothing is more constructive than saying something. So long as you are true to your own opinion by your actions, you dont always have to voice it. I think that applies to most things in life.

Looking forward to ARF and have pencilled OAMC in. Should be working on Dance4 stuff that day so will try and book some appointments in the big smoke.


Anonymous said...

anna. I really love your word! I really do get what you mean too! The odd thing is, everything on the blog is all related to some extent, and it's more like embroidery than just threads (I like that, I may use that phrase again) although sometimes it's blatant sycophancy, and I think it was these people who started to complain re the 'sickliness' because it wasn't relating enough to the object of their stalking...and was more about everone else having common ground! This is SO not meant to sound bitchy (other types of criticism are available) so please don't read it like that...

ChrissieS - You brighten my day! xx

at last but not least, Mr Fuzzie Antlers...Tues Feb 20th sounds ok however it is Shrove Tuesday, so it may be batter to go for a different date as trains could be delayed by flying pancakes...oooh dear sorry...


Anonymous said...

OMG - have just refreshed CE blog...check out No.51!

Moose said...

Anyone know how I change the time setting on this thing? Most confusing to not know when you guys have commented.

I really hope, that even if it is a pile of crap, pointless and self-aggrandizing, enough people will read ALL 3 of my blog entries of the day, one on each site. I hope that seen together, there can be understanding of where I'm at. Not that I need to be's never held me back so far!

I really appreciate all those who come on here too. I know it eats into your work days even more...
whether you comment or not.

Cheery bye!

Anonymous said...

hazel, i seem to recall you undersdtanding a comment i made about stalkers some time ago, totally hear ya re the blatant sycophancy. By the way, loving you and your work, loving your work.

in response to 51, i think there is a phrase.....something about if you dont like it switch turn over.....

Embroidery - nice!

Moose, you are a wanted man next door!

Anonymous said...

anna, thanks for the mush and stilly bake recipe by the way...don't dare say anything on the big blog...check out Q and kidsdad!

Anonymous said...

whoops.....too late.

just did.

Anonymous said...

and that was before i read Q's comments. Im afraid i have risen to the bait. Oh, its all going pete tong.

maybe this is blog armageddon....armaggedon....armagedden.... maybe its all about to implode.

Blimey i hope CLP can calm this one down!

Anonymous said...

I am afraid - as I mentioned to Ms.Love and have just said on the other side - I think Anna you`re right. I think if it isn't nipped in the bud it will indeed implode.... We shall see

Happy weekends my lovelies x x x

Anonymous said...

dont worry, i think prof plum has done it.

and besides, looks like i have been bp'd!

Moose said...

Got the time thang sorted now.

Anna - wanted indeed! You should have seen my first draft of this blog wot I wrote last night. Wisely, even though I say so myself, combined to the Recycle bin.

I was afraid of this when I saw Chris's post yesterday! Hold on to your hats!

Well, if he does stop the blog, I shall feel duty bound to continue here (next door - like it Hazel!). I do anyway. Not that I think I can replace Chris. Although I have to agree with TAG's view on life. They just do different jobs...

And another's quicker with no blog police on here!

And another...Can anyone explain why so many people who have posted little or not at all in the past feel that now is the right time to start? On this issue?
I don't get it...
I'm not having a go, I genuinely don't get it and have been trying to understand.
It's like Gene Wilder. I don't get him, but that doesn't mean I'm having a go at people who do...and that seems to be most people.

Hope that's clear then.

Anonymous said...

moose. as mud. ;o)

everyone has an opinion, its just that usually the ill informed are the loudest.

so its down to you moose. Our new leader...... only joking. hate it when people use that term for CLP too.

Moose said...

oh and anna, forgot to say you weren't SUPPOSED to agree.

You are ALLOWED to, however!

Moose said...

Bit of posting cross-over...even on here.
That'll be me then! Loud and ill-informed.

Anonymous said...

only cos its so fast!!

sorry for delay, was rocking out to tenacious d.

working from home has distinct advantages am now on weekend wind down. off to the big smoke to see me pal with him in doors and the man cub.

Lets hope by monday there is some sense and silliness returned to the blog.


Anonymous said...

Maybe if Chris hadn't not blogged for 3 weeks the complexities of the blog responses would not have evolved. I have only recently started posting as I have so enjoyed following the threads of everybodies conversations but felt it rude not to make myself seen. Don't get too wound by the negatives - the positives of what you write far outweigh those. Each and every one of you appears to respond to Chris's blog anyway whilst then following your own thing through. So what is the problem? Ignore the negative one's, I am inspired by your humour, kindness and compassion toward each other.
I am rattling on now so will stop - hope you don't mind me joining in.
AS66 x

Anonymous said...

anna, just seen CE...I think I love you! SUPERB work!!!! I put a little something on there too, but I used the words 'I've not seen you about before, but if you've always been there I apologise, if not, then excuse me but you have no place to criticise that which you do not know or understand.' This would probably not get past the BP radar methinks...
See you next week, and if the blog closes down, I'm presuming normal service may be resumed on here...


Anonymous said...

AS66 - welcome, and thank you. perhaps you have a point.

whilst the cats away and all that.

right, really am going now.

Anonymous said...

When's rutting season?

Anonymous said...


global warming does funny things.

oh geranium.

Moose said...

I did see your comments (please note discipline of only discussing CE blog/OAMC on here, not Moose/Muffin blog) but apparently we're not allowed to "chat" or acknowledge one another any more. Some people are getting upset and are "resigning" from the blog.

I have said it before and I'll say it again...I did fear this when I first saw Chris' comment yesterday...

Just a conspiracy theory, but maybe he wants to close the blog down and has started to engineer it's demise. New Year, new start, new features, new woman, time to move on?
Mange tout.
Anyway, life goes on.

Moose said...

...and I was going to phone up and request that Aerosmith song from the film Armageddon a tribute to Anna! The "Don't wanna close my eyes..." one.
Couldn't be bothered though. Nothing to do with Anna, though, I must say!! Before I get misinterpreted - seems like the week for it!

Moose said...

Check my profile for an update including an e-mail address. I can feel the potential for the beginning of the end and would hate to disappear in an anonymous haze.
Send me a mail if you want to stay in touch...

Anonymous said...

I commented on yesterdays..even though I hope i'm pretty cluded up, I let myself down Durr!. Anyway, I'll not repeat myself..just so you know I've had a look, made a comment...( but a day behind..that's me all over) see ya


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the thought of a dedication though eh! Atleast, through this blog, i may improve my spelling and grammar. I am sure that my copy writing and press releases would greatly benefit from that!!

Hope your friday was manageable.

looking forward to tomorrows discussions....!

happy sunday.

Anonymous said...

I'm late comenting ... but only cos I didn't realise y'all were over here too!

I have to say I was a little crushed by Chris's comment. I'd have given my eyesteeth to be at the OAMC! But not feasible given I'm way up the other end of the UK.

However .... and this is not a threat, though some may take it that way! ... I will make it down to one of the meets, if you are going to manage to make them regularly! And we are seriously thinking of getting a Scottish one going too! (Wonder if we could sublet this blog, Moose?!)

I may have share this before. When I fell pregnant I joined a UK support site for Mum's due around the same time. As the months passed, 4 of us realised we lived within visiting distance of each other, so decided to meet. 2 years on we are still meeting regularly!

Oh .... and I love Covent Garden and was in the Nags when we were there! Think of me when you do meet .... I had to breastfeed my daughter in that corner over there!!! (It is against the law in Scotland to stop a Mum feeding her wee one in public .... not so in England!)

Anonymous said...

Well written article.